My day starts between 3:30 and 4:30 Est. I have a quiet time so that I can collect my thoughts and visualize the events on my agenda. I speak positive affirmations over those that are assigned to assist in this project. I see them healthy and prosperous and abounding in their relationships. I check my messages and every 2 or 3 days I compound my rewards. I try to leave for my day by 6:15 at the latest. I put in 40 to 50 hrs, 5 or 6 days a week.
Fortunately on my day job, I can listen youtube and twitter, to learn and connect with people in the Cosmos blockchain space. I come home and take care of Bruitus, He is such a sweet boy, He doesn't have any bad habits and he's always on guard to protect! After I eat and clean up, I spend 2-3 hrs researching in the Cosmos. Between 8-9pm I try to unwind for an hr, and hopefully I am asleep by 10pm. There are only so many hrs in a day that we can do good and try to help people. I think that most people in the Cosmos feel the same way, kind and generous. there is no other place that I would rather be!